Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Ethics Of Patient Treatment - 2450 Words

Mercy killing can be one of the most relevant and talked about subject when dealing with the ethics of patient treatment. I am sure I would not feel comfortable ending the life of someone as it in my views it is not morally correct. However, there are many people who believe preventing suffering for others justifies the act of euthanasia. Also, patients can refuse treatment and die of natural causes although these are cases where they cannot decide for themselves. There are many factors to take in to consideration when looking at this issue. When it comes to ethics in many situations I feel as if I’m torn between what’s right and what’s wrong. Mercy killing has been around for many years. Back then it wasn’t such an issue because we didn’t have the technology we have today. The machines that are used now to keep us alive when suffering are what have made us question if we should live relying on a machine or just die. Now that we have the technology for life support it is often questioned if we should just kill the person if they are suffering from a disease or let them suffer while on life support. Also, something to consider is the amount of people who would commit suicide. Some situations may be temporary and they may come to a conclusion they will later regret. Active Euthanasia is thought of by most to be morally wrong and punishable by law. Yet, mercy has been held as a high moral by most civilizations in history. Now we punish anyone who assists someone else inShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest† – the Ethics of Patient Treatment1579 Words   |  7 PagesRatched’s treatment and care of the patients was unethical when compared to the standards one would expect of a health care administrator. She used control over her patients to ensure order, without regard to the feelings and concerns of the patients. 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